Sunday, July 17, 2011


i have fallen asleep watching friends for a few years now, sometimes i will shut it off right before i fall into a blissful sleep, but other times it stays on for quite awhile into the night hours. however, last night i do my routine, watch an episode and shut it off thinking i was tired enough to fall right to sleep...NOPE! i stared at the ceiling and had a million and one thoughts, so i finally turned my tv back on and did some stuff. darn addiction of mine has caused it just about impossible to fall asleep without it. this is no good, why can't i just fall asleep in a nice quiet room??

(image by google images)

1 comment:

Pink Shad0w said...

hey, i love friends, i love jennifer aniston.. can you please somehow write back, i'll subscribe to your blog, can you subscribe to mine too? cause i really need to ask you some stuff, please