Sunday, April 20, 2008

Pirate Night!!!

So Saturday night it was my friends, Crystal and Sarah's birthday and of course we have to have a theme party. Pirates all the way! It was a fun fun night. Treasure Hunt and all (My team lost though) Dressing up made the party twice as fun. Here is a picture of all of us girls! Don't we look just the cutest? hehe


BrandonandJeana said...

That is so idea to have a themed party! Everyone looks so much like a much as a girl can look like one. Great to hear your having lots of fun. Love you!

masonandtara2 said...

I'm so glad you are living the college life!! Camping, parties, so much fun. We're excited to see you!!!

Lyndee said...

I loved it!!! We were the hottest pirates there!!!!! Good times!!!! I love ya jens!!!!!!!
Oh and look at my blog I wrote something about you

Sammi said...

That's so cute Jen! You're amazing and so dang beautiful! I can't wait til we get to be home at the SAME time!!! =] Love you lots!