Sunday, April 26, 2009

Marathon Week!

2 More weeks left of my time at EAC. May 8th is my graduation and let me tell you how excited I am!! Now I know this post it going to be pretty boring, but I need to vent because I'm kinda stressed out. Tomorrow I will be starting my last week of classes, which will be a marathon week in itself, then finals week!

Marathon Week includes:
3 chapter tests
Final 5 page paper to write for English
3 more news reports due in my intro to special ed class
Last Enrichment for the semester Tuesday night
Making last visits to girls in my relief society
Preparing for finals to study

Like I said it will be a miracle if I make it to Friday alive....looks like no sleep, no facebook, no blogging, and no social life all week :(


A Piece of the Puzzel...Journey Through Life (Stacie) said...

Jenni I love you and if you need help I'm here for you! Even if I need to come over and massage your back. That will releave alot of your stress...I'm here for you and we will have to go long boarding for sure before I leave for the summer!! Hang in there girl its almost over!

BrandonandJeana said...

Good luck hun, even though its Thursday as I're gonna do awesome! Wish I could swing coming out to see know that if were single, had no kids, and a million dollars I would so be out there! lol